CHILD ABUSE HOT-LINE (800) 540-4000
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
Staff of the Garvey School District are required by law to report cases of child abuse and neglect whenever staff have a reasonable suspicion. Staff may not investigate to confirm suspicion. Both the staff name and the report itself are confidential and cannot be disclosed except to authorized agencies. PC 11164 et seq.
Child Abuse Primary Prevention -
The District offers child abuse primary prevention programs for students. A student may be excused from participation in the programs upon written parental guardian request. BP/AR 5141.4, WIC 18976.5
Child Abuse Complaint Guidelines -
A parent can report a child abuse incident by a Garvey School District staff member by contacting the principal and also reporting the incident to the police. In addition, the parent can file a complaint regarding district personnel in the Superintendent’s Office. EC 33308.1, BP 1312.1