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Internet Safety Education

Being an E-Rate applicant, Garvey School District must enforce a policy of Internet safety and certify compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) to be eligible for discounts.
For schools, the policy must also include monitoring the online activities of minors.

Beginning July 1, 2012, when schools certify their compliance with CIPA, they will also be certifying that their Internet safety policies have been updated to provide for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, cyberbullying awareness, and response. (See CIPA requirements on USAC/SLD site.)

Garvey School selects the Common Sense Media Education E-Rate Toolkit to fulfill the CIPA education requirement. For an overview of the tools provided, make reference to the CIPA slideshow.

The E-Rate toolkit has tools for administrators (E-Rate education tools for administrators) as well as teachers (E-Rate education tools for teachers). Schools are expected to use the tools and educate their students on Internet safety on a yearly basis.
Every school year, teachers, having provided CIPA-required instruction to their students. should complete the Teacher Verification Document. sign it and submit it to the school administrators. The site administrators may use Administrator Implementation Checklist to plan/guide the E-Rate education at their schools. In the end of the school year, they should gather the Teacher Verification Document from all the teachers, sign the Administrator Implementation Checklist and file/save them for records. A copy of the Administrator Implementation Checklist must also be sent to ETO in preparation for USAC/SLD audit.