On March 9, 2017, the Garvey School District Board of Education approved the formation of an advisory committee to advise the District’s governing board in the development of district-wide policies and procedures governing the use or disposition of surplus property which is not needed for school purposes. The surplus property advisory committee, comprised of seven members representing a cross section of the community as required by Education Code Sections 17387-17391, will undertake duties, including the review of projected school enrollment, establishing a priority list of use of surplus space, and presenting to the Board recommendations on the uses of surplus property.
The Board specifically requested advice regarding use of the following District properties:
1) 2642 New Avenue, Rosemead, California (a vacant land – 4,375 square feet)
2) 1817 S. Jackson Avenue, San Gabriel, California (Marshall School site – 148,104 square feet)
Agendas and minutes are available below for downloading.