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Support for English Learners - Legal Requirements

Please see information and forms/documents below.
  • With "substantially approved" status, this link includes the latest, CDE approved plan (LEA Plan Goal 2), from June 2016. 
  • The original Title III Improvement Addendum/Plan can be found here.
The initial, potential identification, of English learners begins with the Home Language Survey (HLS) which can be found at these links in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
Language Assessment:
When a language other than English is noted on the HLS the Initial CELDT assessment is given and hand scored by the site EL Interventionist. (Official scores are to be placed immediately upon receipt from ETS within the student's cumulative folder).
Initial Notification Letter:
The district provides parents this document which informs them of their child’s assessment results as well as their program placement and program options. (No later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year or within two weeks of a child being placed in a program during the school year.)  A sample of that letter can be found here
Annual Notification Letter (Title III Notification Letter): 
All local educational agencies (LEAs) that are recipients of Title III funds are required, pursuant to Section 3302, to notify annually the parents or guardians of each limited-English proficient (LEP) student enrolled in a language education program. The notification must take place (1) no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school term or (2) for pupils who enroll mid-term, within two weeks of being placed in a program. Title III notification elements may be integrated with state-required parental notification procedures to reduce the number of communications sent to parents. Click here to view a sample notification letter that was mailed out on September 23, 2016.
Reclassification Form and Criteria:
This form is used by EL Interventionists to reclassify English learners when criteria for this process has been met.