Garvey School DistrictProviding a premier education in a 21st century learning environment to develop tomorrow's responsible leaders.

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Discipline Procedures

The Governing Board of the Garvey School District believes that an important aspect of public education is to assist children in developing sound social judgment, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and self-discipline.  Additionally, the Board believes that students and teachers are entitled to an environment in which maximum learning and teaching can take place.  In order to maintain a positive learning environment and to guide students in becoming responsible, self-disciplined individuals free to pursue academic studies, an appropriate amount of external discipline may be necessary.  The development of self-discipline is best accomplished when children are given the opportunity for corrective experiences.  External discipline, or corrective actions, then, become positive learning experiences rather than arbitrary punishment.

The Garvey School District Discipline Program is founded on three basic concepts:
  1. Respect for self and others
  2. Responsibility for one’s own actions
  3. Reasonable consequences for misbehavior
All societies have rules.  School rules and regulations exist in order to provide a safe and secure environment which is conducive to learning.  All students are expected to obey all classroom and school rules.

The goals of our Discipline Program are:
1. To improve the learning environment through recognition of good behavior and consistently applied consequences and corrective experiences for inappropriate behavior.
 2. To involve parents in the discipline process in a positive way by working together cooperatively to help children develop into responsible and capable adults.


Due process procedures are designed to ensure that corrective action is taken only after a thorough examination of the facts.  The nature of the corrective action must be reasonably related to the nature and circumstances of the inappropriate behavior.

Students facing disciplinary action have a right to:
  1. An oral or written notification of the charges
  2. An explanation of the evidence
  3. An opportunity to present his/her side of the story
  4. Appeal decisions resulting in disciplinary action to the next higher authority.
Proactive Discipline

Proactive discipline views misbehavior as a communication by the child, which tells us what the child needs to learn regarding responsibility and respect for self and others.  The results of misbehavior are a guide to determining appropriate consequences, which will help the child learn to act responsibly.  By focusing on the results of misbehavior, proactive discipline teaches positive behavior rather than using arbitrary punishment.  However, the safety and welfare of others, as well as the maintenance of an orderly school environment are of utmost importance.  Behaviors, which threaten the safety of others or are significantly disruptive to the orderly conduct of school, may result in disciplinary actions which are more protective of others’ rights than corrective for the individual student.

A Proactive Discipline approach is characterized by the following:
  1. Establishes goals; identifies acceptable, positive behavior.
  2. Educates regarding expected behaviors.
  3. Adults model expected behaviors (teach by example.)
  4. Holds the child responsible for his/her behavior and for taking appropriate action to solve problems.
  5. Provides appropriate corrective (learning) experiences as consequences for misbehavior.
  6. Focuses on the results of misbehavior as a guide to providing consequences (corrective experiences).
  7. Recognizes that children at different developmental stages require different levels of disciplinary actions.

SUSPENSION (By Principal)
To protect the safety and welfare of others
To preserve the orderly conduct of school

* Suspension is the removal of a student from school for a period of five (5) days at a time or less. The parent or guardian will be notified by telephone or letter that the student is suspended and the circumstances of the suspension.  An appointment will be made for a parent conference.

EXPULSION (By Board of Education )

  To protect the safety and welfare of others

  To preserve the orderly conduct of school

* Expulsion may only occur after a formal expulsion hearing by the Governing Board.  In  expulsion situations, parents/guardians will be notified regarding due process procedures.

48900 (s)

(s) A pupil shall not be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated in this section, unless that act is
related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent
of the school district or principal or occurring within any other school district. A pupil may be suspended or expelled
for acts that are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time,
including, but not limited to, any of the following:

    (1) While on school grounds.
    (2) While going to or coming from school.
    (3) During the lunch period whether on or off the campus.
    (4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity.