What is School Attendance Review Team (SART)?
SART is a School Site Team which includes the parent and the student, Principal and the School Attendance Review Board Chairperson. The goal of this team is to identify possible solutions to improving the students' attendance and/or behavior. At this meeting the student agrees to abide by the directions of the School Attendance Review Team (SART) as outlined below.
- Attend school regularly and on time each day.
- Abide by school rules and regulations.
- Obey the directions of my teachers and administrators.
- Complete my class assignments.
- Develop a positive attitude about school.
- Other
Parent(s) agree to abide by the directions of the School Attendance Review Team (SART) as outlined below.
- Cooperate with school officials.
- Ensure my (son/daughter)’s compliance with SART directives.
- Comply with SART’s assignments of specific parental responsibilities.
- Notify the attendance office when my (son/daughter) violates agreement.
- Obtain medical notes when my (son/daughter) is absent for more than one day.
- Attend classes with my (son/daughter) after next incidence of truancy/misbehavior.
- Pick up, or make arrangements to have picked up, my (son/daughter)’s homework if (he/she) will be out of school more than two days.
- Bring my (son/daughter) to school daily and on time.
- Talk with my (son/daughter) in positive terms about school.
- Other
Failure to attend this meeting with the School Attendance Review Board Chairperson will result in a referral to the district School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Education Code Section 48263—If any minor in any district of a county is a habitual truant, or is irregular in attendance at school, as defined in this article, or is habitually insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school, the pupil may be referred to a School Attendance Review Board.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Garvey School District, Pupil Services Department and ask for Mr. Bulmaro A. Magallón SARB #4A Chairperson or Mrs. Cindy Phan-Hy SARB #4A Secretary.